Power up :>
This weekend has been fun fun fun! We caught up with some friends and she made us a really good dinner, and the kids enjoyed themselves very much too.
I also felt that Benji has grown a lot in these past few weeks. As he turned 15 1/2 months, he took his first steady steps last week and today he managed to stand himself up without holding on to any furniture, or legs, or walls. And he also finally figured out how to get in and out of his favorite push-car! It’s great to see him playing with the older kids and learning to be more independent because of his newfound mobility.
My parents came back from their vacation and they were exclaiming how much Benji has grown (in 10 days) and so many new tricks learned. One thing’s not changed – he still has his bib around his neck! Yah, my son has a MAJOR drool issue.
Over the weekend, I power-sewed. I cut up the borders for my Tales & Tidings quit, I also caught up with AmandaJean’s Star Quilt-A-Long and also cut up the fabrics for the 12 setting blocks. Phew! Chain-stitching frenzy! Half-way through to making the 48 X 4-patch pieces.
Here’s Week 3’s block. I ‘fussy-cut’ this orangey bloom fabric, which I don’t like very much. I think it turned out quite nice here! :>

This is Week 4’s block. The colours turned out more orangey with this camera. Just try to imagine it more ‘yellow-y’ :>

This is Week 5’s block. Tiring, but pretty block. After all the triangles, it was just good fun to cut strips and squares to work on the setting blocks.

All in all, I’m pretty happy with the progress made so far. Fell back a few weeks because of vacation, etc. But once you get into the swing of things, the blocks came together pretty quickly :>
You are ahead of me in the quiltalong. I pressed the fabrics tonight and hope to sew the fist 2 tomorrow!! I love your colour choice.
your blocks look great! I like the color scheme you’ve chosen. it will look striking when it is finished!