Playing catch up
My Yellow Star Quilt has been quite neglected (along with other UFOs). There is so much to do – work, baby, house, MarioKart Wii (:D) that I feel bad sewing with all these stuffs at the back of my mind.
The thing about sewing is that once you start, it is VERY hard to stop ;>
Last week, I cut up all the fabrics for Weeks 6 through 11 in a single night and went to bed with a sore back… Today, I put aside my work and sat at the sewing machine for a while and I completed 2 blocks (Weeks 6 & 7) and finished ALL my setting blocks! YAAY!
I think that the setting blocks look pretty on its own, but when I placed a star block next to it, I find that the setting block pieces look very bright orange. But as I laid out more blocks, I think it is turning out okay as the setting blocks act like ‘frames’ for the stars. Nope. I don’t have a picture of the blocks laid out here. Spent the time sewing instead! HA!

Week 6’s block. I’m using up the ugly flower fabric here :> Gosh, I’m glad to get rid of them here!

Week 7’s block and this one I LIKE!

Week 7 and 8 pieces laid out here. I have the week’s cut pieces separately bagged. And I’m doing them 2 blocks at a time. The missing bits of the blocks are at the sewing machine :p

I really had a good time doing these setting blocks. I like the fabrics and I like the easy piecing that turns out so neatly too! Took the ‘production line’ way and chain pieced, chain sewed and chain pressed the pieces. And I had the greatest satisfaction by completing 12 blocks at one go!
Another reason why Star QAL took a backseat for the past couple of weeks is because I started on a really fun quilt for Benji ;> More pictures coming up soon! :> Till then, happy stitching!
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