Let your fingers do the shopping
My parents are away for a short break, and I have Benji all to ourselves for a week. That means playing tag-team with Hubby to care and play with Benji and checking in on work. It’s rough because of the dreary weather and the car’s in the garage being fixed. We have been in-doors since Tuesday and have gone through too many episodes of Fireman Sam and also re-reading Spot books.
Today, the thunderstorm is not helping matters. He barely laid down for 30 mins and was woken up by the ‘scary booms’. Sigh…

I'm feeling a little like Skittles now... sleepy...
This week, I have not been sewing as much as I wanted to as I’ve been feeling under the weather as well. After the babe’s in bed at night, I’ve been SHOPPING A LOT and spending time with the Kindle. And dreaming up new quilts and crafts 😉
This my SECOND Kindle. The 1st one was delivered to me all bashed up and this one came in the nick of time before our trip to Japan in February. I absolutely LOVE this Kindle sleeve, bought from Sakizome – a local Etsian. Definitely one of my best buys EVER from an online store.
Have you scored any good buys online lately? Please share! 😉
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