It’s a wrap!
It’s raining babies here! :> Seriously, I have no idea what the government is talking about when they say we are not having enough babies. The gynae’s office is always packed, the malls are filled with families with strollers, babies/kids everywhere in the zoo, etc… Then again, I have been visiting ‘kiddy-friendly’ places hence the observation may be a ‘little’ skewed :p
A friend delivered earlier this month and I dugged out my old nursing cover and created a new one based on the pattern.
It’s a double-sided cover, with a flexible boning strip to give you some ‘view’ to the nursing child. I used the cover as a stroller cover too when the baby’s asleep and you want to keep the lights out and curious aunties poking their faces into the stroller :p


Speaking of modesty, we were out at the zoo a couple of weeks back and when I neared the gibbons section, I noticed a yummy-mummy, in a nice denim tube dress, seating at the bench with a fussing baby. What surprised me was that she popped her breast out of the dress, before she positioned her baby to nurse. Hmmmm… Talk about self-confidence! hahaha
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